Years ago growing up it seemed that my folks were content taking us from house to house for our yearly Halloween Excursions. So much has changed to day considering child safety. Many Local Chambers of Commerce and other Civic Associations as well as local shopping malls have modernized Halloween for a safer environment for kids. Sure parents will take the kids to see friends and relatives but with today’s social climate it is refreshing to know as a parent and me as a grandparent the great changes in the Halloween traditions.
But, is Halloween Just for the kids?
After attending the Women’s Auxiliary Sponsored Halloween Party at the Bateman Gallagher Post 668 in Wayne, Pennsylvania for over seven years I can certainly say Halloween is not just for kids any more. In fact its’ fun to see either how serious or childlike adults can be when dressing up for Halloween. Considering how realistic costumes have become or the fun of creating a costume out of an old trunk in the attic it is quite interesting to see as creations of all my friends at Post 668 come up with year after year.
As I am saying this, most people say well this is a club how can I join in on the festivities?
Here is my answer?
First of all the American Legion is a Fraternity not a club. However, most clubs and fraternities are allowed to open their doors to the public for fund raisers. It may be a good idea to check around in your area to see if such fundraisers are going on. We are not even just talking American Legions or Clubs here. Local Civic Associations Chambers of Commerce, Rotary Clubs and so on also do these fundraisers. All you have to do is come and enjoy an evening of fun and entertainment while supporting local and national charities. What a Win-Win for everyone.
This is one of many Women’s Auxiliary lead or sponsored events this fall. Clubs and Fraternities all over the country depend on these benefits to help many of those in need in many different ways. You will find many of the Charities that Post 668 Sponsors at the bottom of this blog page. But, remember one thing when you come and patronize an event you make the volunteers sponsoring the event feel rewarded for their accomplishments. A special element seems to arise as you know it is for charity and to get a little something back instead of just donating money. How do I know? Because I have spent a large amount of time myself as a leader in the Sons of the American Legion group at Post 668 and was a leader in many past events. It is rewarding and fun to say the least.

Our Favorite Bartender Death (Beth) Donato taking a break 2010
My son Brent and I after digging through the trunk in the attic! 2009
My wife Pam being Devilishly herself in 2010.
Halloween Party Hosted by the Ladies Auxiliary
With entertainment by our favorite band;The Road Dogs!
When: Saturday October 22, 2011
Time: 8:00-12:00
Cost: $12.00 in advance or $15.00 at the door
Come vote for your favorite costume
1st Prize $25.00, 2nd Prize $15.00, 3rd Prize $10.00
Munchies will be provided!
For more information :
Call the American Legion Post 668 @ (610) 688-9713
between 4:00pm and 10:00pm
401 East Lancaster Avenue, Wayne, Pa. 19087
401 East Lancaster Avenue, Wayne, Pa. 19087
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