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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Day of Reflection

On a beautiful Tuesday September morning it seemed as though there was not a care in the world as I weeded the gardens where I was working at church that morning. When our business manager drove by me she let me know the North Tower of the World Trade Center has been hit and was on fire i feared the worst. As the news anchors were still sorting out what happened my fears came true as I watched the second plane strike the South Tower of the World Trade Center on television. Since December 7, 1941 Americans had not seen such attack on its own soil.
Shanksville Flight 93 Memorial
Perhaps it is a good thing the tenth anniversary of September 11th is on a Sunday where people of all faiths can get together for a day of reflection. We have to consider that nothing good came from this particular day in history as did December 7, 1941 except we learned and grew as a nation. We are all citizens of this Great Country and for one day we should get together and support the families of lost loved ones as a result of 9-11 at Ground Zero, the Pentagon, Shanksville, or the battle zones or Iraq and Afghanistan. With all the memorial actives this September 11th it may be good to take the time to join a service if you can. Take the time to teach someone who may have not been born yet or too young to remember of September 11Th and make them understand that we still must be vigilant and look out for one another. Make others aware of the threats we still face and let them know we are the ones who need to look after each other in hopes of avoiding another tragedy like 9-11. Let people know you care about them and our Country and do not be shy about it. We will never forget the horror of September 11th but with friendship and caring for one another we can make the effects of the families involved seem a little more bearable by soothing a pain that will never go away. Take the time to salute and reflect on those who paid the highest price whether they were innocent bystanders, First Responders or those who heard the call of duty for our People, our Country and our Freedom.

Please visit these websites

Shanksville Memorial Click Here!

World Trade Center Memorial Click Here!

The Pentagon Memorial Click Here!

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