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Monday, November 21, 2011

Enjoying One Holiday at a Time!

It seems like the day after Halloween opens up the Holiday Season anymore. We seemed to have pushed the Holiday season to its limits with retailing and commercials. Radio stations see how early they can push Christmas music to add to the commercial chaos of the retailing fury.  I really have no problem with retailers boosting their profits for a good bottom line before the end of the year I just want our readers to understand there is more to Christmas and the Holidays than the bottom line as I am sure many agree. The Holidays would not be the Holidays without giving gifts. Jesus himself received gifts from people who had next to nothing to Kings and the wealthy as they greeted the son of God into the world. I know many do understand but I just want to reiterate, please remember those who have little or nothing in these troubled economic times. Take the time to pray or meditate and wish for better decisions from those who are leading us through these tough economic times. All these people preach the answers but do not seem to be delivering results. Pray or meditate and wish for better times for those who are struggling or are in need that they will get a job or the assistance they need in living a better quality of life.
As I wait for the celebration of the birth of Jesus I extend a hand of friendship to those of other faiths or religions. To me there is no wrong path to God so I will not take the time to condemn any one person’s beliefs as I would like to take the time to ask those of other faiths and religions to stop condemning others and my faith or religion. Jesus’s gift to us was his message of peace and he died on the cross to deliver that message. Whether you look at Jesus as just a man or the son of God he has died in the name of peace leading other men and women to do the same under God.
When you look to Thanksgiving this year take a moment to save praise for everyone. In the early days of our nation people of two different cultures and religious beliefs got together to celebrate the fruits of the harvest before a long cold Massachusetts winter where there were many lives lost to starvation and plague. This Thanksgiving whether you attend a mass or a service or not this is a National Holiday we all have as Americans no matter what race, creed, color or religion we are! And, take the time to make peace with yourself and others so we can all take the time to be of one family as a Nation.

Enjoy the Comfort of Home and Family this Thanksgiving Day!

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A special “Thank You” goes out to my close friend Dave Higgins for
finding and posting this Sin Cin Photo on his Facebook Page.

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