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Monday, December 12, 2011

Getting on with the Holiday Fun Through Friendship and Understanding

Even though I say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays I do mean Happy Holidays. During the Christmas Season I am not or ever going to be Politically Correct because guess what, I am not a politician nor do have any ambitions of being such. I am a Christian and I am Catholic and proud to be who I am. Even though I am a Christian and a Catholic I do not look down on anyone else’s faith because I would like the same treatment from others. I also believe acting in a different manner would be a breach of my faith. In saying that my older sister is in an interfaith marriage and she is part of a very special and wonderful family who has seemed to adopt me and my family. As Hanukkah is being celebrated during Christmas we as a family will be celebrating both together this year realizing we are sharing tradition and culture more than religion.
When I think of the many Jewish friends I have made over the years I was brought up in an environment that was not of profiling and stereotyping but it is still a fight not to be that way with the events of everyday life. The Holidays are a time that we should strive to set ourselves away from those prejudices and bigotry that separate many of us from understanding the customs and cultures of others. This is the spirit of the Holiday that may have forgotten by many who believe they are being politically correct. If I know someone’s faith and even if someone has to acknowledge their faith to me I am more than glad to respond to their faith as well as have respect for their customs and cultures. We all have to remember that this country was built as a melting pot of cultures. This is what makes us unique to every other country in the world. As I practice my faith this Christmas season I do believe also in the Spirit of the Holiday Season as we all celebrate the New Year together and take the time to learn some of the customs of others. Taking the time to learn the customs of others helps with the understanding of others helping to break down long held bariers between us all. Even though we do celebrate our different beliefs take pride in understanding others as a part of the culture of the Holidays.
Peace on Earth and Good Will to Men and Women of all Races, Faiths and Religions
Happy Hanukkah
Happy Kwanzaa the Celebration of culture and history
To learn more about Kwanzaa please Click Here!
For the Kwanzaa Guide Click Here!
But Most of all Merry Christmas to Everyone!
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